All modRNA-injections containing LNP have to be stopped and banned


All modRNA-injections containing LNP have to be stopped and banned immediately!


  1. Sixtyfive million meters of modRNA in the Covid-19 injection i

Updated 6 June 2024


It’s all about to terrify the population. According to Hermann Göring, one of Hitler's closest lieutenants in Nazi Germany, this methods works in all societies throughout history. It makes people immediately subservient to undemocratic leaders, whether they are communists or fascists or environmentalists.ii iii

In 2009 WHO redefined the organization’s understanding of the concept of a pandemic iv in this way: Before May 2009, the requirement was anInfluenza-Like Illness (ILI) to cause a significant number of deaths and sufferers to be classified as a pandemic. Now the WHO has removed the requirement for the concept of a pandemic to cause a significant number of deaths and thereby any ILI may be classified a pandemic.

The swine flu in 2009 was then, by WHO, classified a pandemic despite the fact that the science as early as 2010 stated there were relatively few cases of illness and even fewer deaths due to the swine flu than any other flu season.

A problem: The best way to terrify the population

The best way is threats like illness and deaths. Second best is threats from the climate crisis. The bigger a lie the better it is.

Those who have some genuine knowledge and are awakewill immediately recognize the underlying narrative, the fairytale, the saga and the deception. A courageous person just stand up, reveal the deception and tell the truth. Just don’t obey.


The PCR Testing Fraud
It all started with the planned and suspected intentional, premeditated criminal PCR test fraud.
This is where the whole house of cards will fall when we make our authorities and their officials to obey the law, including the Swedish Constitution. A courageous person just stand up, reveal the deception and and tell the truth. Just don’t obey.

The PCR tests are used to frauduletly prove infection with Covid-19 disease caused by the pantented and thus man-made SARS-CoV-2 virus v.A natural organism including virus can not be patented
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) means that genetic material can be amplified in order to measure it. Nobel Prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis has pointed out in several interviews that the method is intended for research only and is useless for diagnosing an ongoing infection.
The Swedish National Board of Health (FHM) apparently agrees with Kary Mullis, as it issued a publication on July 21, 2020, pointing out that PCR tests cannot be used to determine infectiousness.

"The PCR technology used in virus detection tests cannot distinguish between viruses with the ability to infect cells and viruses that have been neutralized by the immune system, and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is infectious or not." vi

Also, in August 2020, the WHO sent out a warning to all PCR testing laboratories in the world that if there were just a few percent of positive tests out of all tests performed, for statistical reasons it would give at least two false positives out of three allegedly positive tests. vii Labs were also told to limit themselves to a maximum of 25 cycles to avoid too many false positive tests.
However, no lab followed the WHO decree and continued to increase the number of PCR cycles up to 50 cycles.

25 cycles result in 16 million new copies that can be detected. If the sequence sought for is missing, there is no measurable DNA, the test is negative. If the tested material is replicated for an additional 25 cycles, the test may then pick up a small misread prior to 25 cycles and multiply that misread to falsely detectable levels with more than 16 million copies of the misread while the sequence sought for is missing.

This is a false positive because the number of cycles is premeditatedly and deliberately fraudulent and unscientifically inflated. You can "find anything in anyone" because you knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately run the test without validation, approval, or transparency. The test sequence is classified then no one knows what is being tested and all results must be falsified and constructed.

Two declaratory judgments from Portugal have already found that the PCR tests are not scientifically valid and violate the absolute right to freedom of movement and liberty under EU law, and therefore cannot be the basis for detention. viiiAs these rulings are part of EU law, they apply throughout the EU, including Sweden.

The Portuguese judgments show that at least 97% of the allegedly positive tests were false positives. This is because the test procedures are classified and used in a suspiciously false and unlawful, deliberate and premeditated fraudulent manner.

The administrative court in Stockholm also ruled that the restraining orders and isolation on nursing homes was illegal. It violated the absolute right to freedom of movement and freedom under EU law. ix
The PCR tests were reported day after day without interruption and always cumulatively to very high and false values, giving a very terribly exaggerated picture of the spread of infection using unscientifically falsified tests.

Informed consent

No one has given fully informed consent to accept the fraudulent and unscientific PCR test, which is why health staff are legally forbidden from collecting or storing genetic material from a person.

No one has realized that they have not given their fully informed consent to the injections because it was given under false and fraudulent pretenses by the authorities from the beginning.

In this case, no one injected has been able to give their fully informed consent due to the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) has granted exemptions from the requirement that each injection of a medicinal product must be preceded by an opportunity for each person to read the package leaflet. These exemption have been renewed by the MPA at least twice a year without any consideration from the authorities. x

Had we been given correct information before January 1, 2021, almost everyone would have refrained from being injected bt a bioweapon and realized that the whole "experiment" was based on lies and deception. Here, the authorities and the healthcare system have acted without legal support, which must be regarded as premeditated, deliberate criminal fraud. The healthcare system is guilty of violating the constitution by forcing an injection into you on the orders of the government and parliament without providing full information on content, effect and side effects. There are no information leaflets in the packages of injections where all the information should be available.

Counterfeit drugs

The Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) relies entirely on the information provided by the pharmaceutical company in its declaration of contents. The Swedish MPA refuses to carry out delivery controls on the injections received by the Swedish authorities from Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna and others.

No serious private company would accept delivery of a product without verifying, either by itself or by another independent company, that the product delivered conforms to the order and the list of ingredients.

If the contents are not in accordance with the declaration of contents, the injections are by definition and by law a counterfeit drug and may not be sold in Sweden.

Without control of a drug, it is by definition a falsified and counterfeit drug. xi

In Sweden, by week 9 of 2024, the healthcare system had illegally injected 28,312,817 doses xii. more than twenty-eight million illegal injections to 10.5 million inhabitants. It’s more than three injections for every adult in the Swedish population.
It is outrageous that our authorities are suspected of falsely, intentionally and deliberately deceiving and intimidating the population into submission and falsely, intentionally and deliberately coercing the population into being tested with an unscientific and unverified PCR test and injected with a suspected illegal experimental bioweapon without informed consent.


Suspicion of bribery and false, intentional and premeditated criminal fraud and assault.

The government has agreed with the non-governmental organization Sveriges kommuner och regioner (SKR) (the Swedish municipalities and regions) to increase the number of PCR tests between 2020 and 2022 in a suspiciously false and premeditated and intentionally and deliberately fraudulent manner by giving a "reward" of SEK 1,500 or 1,100 per test performed by the so called Health care system in Sweden. That adds up to a total of more than SEK 36,000 million. Thirty-six billion SEK (USD b3.38, EUR b3.11) which was spent without a decision in the Parliament.
The regions had considerable financial surpluses from 2020 to 2023.

Then the golden calf dried up, which is why the regions started running deficits in billions from 2023.

In other countries, this would be called suspected bribery and deliberate and premeditated criminal fraud.

All responsible managers and individual employees who decided and/or performed the PCR tests and injections are complicit.

All individuals who committed these violations of law, violations of individual rights and violations of humanity must be brought to justice in a fair trial before an independent and impartial tribunal established by law.

The authorities and their employees have withheld from us the knowledge that experts at FHM already spread on July 21, 2020.

The authorities and the healthcare system knew that the suspiciously fraudulent PCR tests have no scientific basis and are unverified.

The regions chose to accept the governements suspiciously illegal bribes to seemingly con us all into a ”rolling up the sleeve” campain to suspiciously deliberate and premeditated criminal fraud injecting us with hitherto unknown length amounts of toxic modRNA.

In the same injection the drug companies had spiked the concoct with illegal lipid nanoparticles (LNP) to suspiciously deliberately and premeditatedly criminally harm large parts of the population.


Unreported DNA in modRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna

Several scientific papers have now been published reporting foreign and contaminating DNA in unauthorized amounts in modRNA injections and in blood products from modRNA-injected persons xiii, xiv.

Many scientists, including Professor Angus Dalgleish xv,xvi have demanded and are demanding that all modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now because of the horrendous harm caused by all modRNA injections with LNP.

The question then arises, what has our authorities have injected into us?

How much modRNA and contaminating dsDNA in grams is contained in each dose of 0.3 mL, we only have the pharmaceutical companies' data to rely on.

The Swedish Medical Products Agency relies entirely on the information provided by the drug company in its declaration of contents and SMPA refuses to carry out delivery controls on the injections received by the Swedish authorities from Pfizer-Biontech, Moderna and others.

No serious private company would accept delivery of a product without either itself or another independent company checking whether the delivered product complies with the order and the list of contents.

If the contents do not comply with the declaration of contents, the injections are by definition and by law a false and counterfeitdrug and may not be sold in Sweden. xvii

Without checking a drug content , it is by definition counterfeit, false, and has an absolute and total sales ban. xviii

The fact that contaminating DNA is missing from the declarations of contents makes the injections of modRNA counterfeit and fake drugs, which is why all injection doses of counterfeit and false drugs must be immediately withdrawn and banned from the healthcare system.

In Sweden, up to and including week 9 of 2024, the healthcare system has illegally injected
28 312 817 doses. xix

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.


How many meters of modRNA and contaminating DNA are there in every single injection?

No one seems to have calculated how many meters of modRNA or contaminating DNA there are in each 0.3 mL injection

Let's check by checking how much our authorities accept as the allowed amount of contaminating DNA.

Pharmaceutical companies use DNA as a template to make modRNA, so it is not possible to completely remove DNA from the injections.

The upper limit for DNA contamination in a single injection is 10 nanograms (ng, 10*10-9 g or 1*10-8 g) of DNA per 0.3 mL dose, according to the EMA and FDA

10 ng doesn't sound like much, ten billionths of a gram must be a vanishingly small amount of contaminating DNA, right?

Moderna is allowed to have a maximum of 0.01% and Pfizer is allowed to have a maximum of 0.03% contaminating DNA.

As an old biochemist trained back in the last millennium, it is possible to calculate how far 10 ng of foreign and contaminating DNA would stretch if you put the contaminating DNA molecules in a long row one molecule after the other.

This is something anyone with simple math skills can calculate for themselves. See FACTBOX 2

We have known since the 1960s that a single nucleus in a human cell contains around 2 meters (m) of DNA. xx

According to a review article published in 2019 in BMJ xxi, a single cell nucleus in a man contains 2.05 m of DNA weighing 6.41 picograms (pg, 10-12 g, trillionths of a gram) and consisting of 6.27 Gbp (billion base pairs). Women have 3 cm more DNA due to having two X chromosomes while men have one X chromosome and a Y chromosome three cm shorter than the X chromosome.

Now we know that 2.05 m of double-stranded DNA weighs 6.41 pg. Then we can calculate how many meters are in 10 ng of contaminating and foreign DNA and also in the 30 micrograms (µg) of RNA contained in each of Pfizer's syringes and Moderna's 100 µg/dose. See FACT BOX 2 with formulas and all

Putting the relevant numbers into the equation we get:

2,050 m human DNA * 10*10-9 g contaminant DNA / 6.41*10-12 g human DNA =
3,198 m of contaminating DNA.


That's about 3,200 meters or 3.2 km or 2 miles of contaminating and foreign DNA in a single dose, in a single injection of 0.3 mL.

If there is up to 354 times more contaminating DNA as described in reference xxii, then there are 354*3.2 km = 1.13 million meters or 113 miles of contaminating DNA in a single small injection of 0.3 mL

The length of single stranded RNA is twice as long as the same weight of double stranded DNA

Pfizer's amount of modRNA of 30 micrograms (µg) per dose can then be calculated as

2* 2.050 m human DNA * 30*10-9 g modRNA / 6.41*10-12 g human DNA=
19.5*106 m modRNA

to correspond to

just over 19 million meters or 12 thousand miles or half a lap around the Earth at the equator xxiii.

The calculations have an accuracy of less than 3 digits, so we use two-digit accuracy and the remaining digits with letters or with powers of ten or SI prefixes after the first two significant digits.

The 3.3 times greater amount of modRNA in the Moderna with 100 µg per dose corresponds to more than 65 million meters or 40 thousand miles or just over one and a half laps around the Earth at the equator.

This is an almost unimaginably large length of modRNA injected in each dose of modRNA.


No one has given their informed consent

The healthcare system is guilty of violating the constitution by forcing an injection on you on the criminal orders of the government and parliament without providing full information on content, effect and side effects.

There are no leaflets in the packaging of injections where all the information should be available.

It is terrible that our authorities are suspected of having deceived and frightened, terrorized the population into submission in a false, deliberate and premeditated manner and of having forced the population to be injected with an experimental suspected bioweapon without informed consent in a false, deliberate and premeditated manner.


modRNA equivalent to 1.5 lap around the Earth

A human cell contains "only" two meters of DNA. Each of the thousand cells closest to the injection is exposed to more than 65 million meters of modRNA,

32 thousand times (3,200,500%) more modRNA than is present in each of these 1,000 of your cells.

These gigantic amounts of modRNA would kill any organism and we can thank our amazing bodies that most survive this incredibly devastating genetic assault.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

The next mechanism of damage of modRNA injections is the delivery method using LNPs, lipid nanoparticles.

Here, our healthcare professionals inject artificial and very large positively charged experimental phospholipids carrying more than 65 million meters of negatively charged modRNAs of unknown and classified sequence.

These positively charged lipid nanoparticles are attracted to the negatively charged cell membrane surface to break the cell membrane with brute force like a battering ram and bring in modRNA molecules that are stuck on the outside of the LNP.

Once inside the cell, the LNP changes its charge to negative, causing the modRNA to detach from the LNP and swimming freely inside the cell.

The injection manufacturer has attached two very large artificial positively charged fatty acids to 3-phosphoglycerol that become phospholipid molecules, SM-102 for Moderna and ALC-0315 for Pfizer/BioNTech.

It is interesting that the Safety Data Sheet for ALC-0315 states "Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use". xxiv

How can these artificial and toxic phospholipids be present in a drug for human use at all?

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

These positively charged phospholipids are mixed with modRNA molecules and then this mixture is subjected to ultrasound which breaks the large clumps of positively charged artificial phospholipids into smaller and positively charged lipid nanoparticles.

Also, a large part of the modRNA molecules are disrupted by the high-energy ultrasound waves required to make the nanoparticles.

Those negatively charged modRNA molecules of unknown and secretly classified nucleotide sequence and size are stuck by electrostatic forces on the outside of the nanoparticles.

Pfizer has described the method in the first summary of product characteristics published in FASS 2021

No one knows what these broken modRNA molecules code for anymore.

What's worse, the modRNA sequence is classified by the manufacturer as a trade secret.

The pharmaceutical industry, our regulatory authorities and the injector nor the injected no longer have any control over what our so-called healthcare professionals inject into the individual modRNA recipient.

It is inevitable that the truth will come out.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

Some of these partially disrupted modRNA molecules may resemble siRNA (small interfering RNA),

siRNA are normally use as genetic on/off switches to make genes in each cell to start or stop making mRNA.

siRNA of unknown sequence and unknown control properties can damage our cells in a completely unforeseen and unexpected way and can harm the whole person.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

This is terrible. We have been and are still being exposed to huge amounts of modRNA of unknown and secreted sequence that can harm our body without mercy and without control,

Add to this the fact that the injections contain artificial fatty acids which, according to the manufacturer, cannot be used for medical purposes.

We know now that some people can tolerate more and others get sick and die from the injections.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.


The modRNA molecules are degraded slowly and produces faulty proteins

modRNA is modified mRNA, see FACTBOX 1

where the base uridine (U) has been replaced by pseudouridine (ѰU) in the modRNA, .

mRNA contains the four nucleoside bases A, C, G and U.

Normal mRNA is very easy to degrade and has a very short lifespan so that excess of the desired protein is not made by any cell, it can be harmful to the body.

Pseudouridine is physically a slightly larger variant of uridine, which is why ѰU can be misread, sometimes read as C instead of U, which can give the wrong amino acid to be coupled with other amino acids in the newly formed protein.

The protein molecule may then have the wrong shape and function. And those incorrect protein molecules with the wrong shape and function will probably damage the cell.

Artificial modRNA is difficult to degrade and forces cells to continue producing toxic and cell-damaging spike proteins for at least six months. It is no wonder that around 10% of persons injected with modRNA have a long-term sickness.


It has also been shown that modRNA has been integrated into the cellular DNA of liver cell cultures. xxv

This means that these cells have been genetically modified by modRNA.

The injected person may become a genetically modified organism, a GMO.

If the same can be shown with contaminating DNA with initiator and promoter from contaminating SV40, the risk of cancer transformation of GMO cells cannot be excluded.


The authorities are gaslighting us even more

Anyone who dies or is injured before at least three weeks have passed after the first dose is wrongly and unscientifically considered "uninjected"!

Any normal human being, any real scientist using scientific methods would of course consider that as soon as a needle penetrates the skin, the individual should be considered injected.

If anyone is injured or dies unexpectedly after the injection, it must be due to the injection unless something else can be proved, such as a lightning strike or traffic accident or other cause.

Authorities consider injuries or deaths discovered later than 30 days after the injection to be unrelated to the injection but due to some other cause.

This unscientific approach manipulates and falsifies basic data in a suspiciously deliberate, premeditated and criminal manner and should be immediately rejected by science, by the injected and by the authorities.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.


Now we also know that our authorities have lied to us.
In Germany, the government has admitted to implementing the narrative that foreign powers like the WHO have imposed on every country in the world.

We have been subjected to a psyop to intimidate us with fake PCR tests to force us into submission and coercion to inject us with a bioweapon with more than 65 million meters of modRNA.

The word narrative comes from the imperial and royal court jesters who told narratives or a fairy tale, a made-up story, a deception to keep the monarch in a good mood. We have the word Narr in Swedish that means a Jester or Joker. So we know that Narrative is the same as gaslighting.

Now the German authorities have admitted that the whole Covid spectacle has not been a pandemic but has been a psyop xxvi, xxvii, a military-like propaganda operation

Had we been given correct information from our authorities before January 1, 2021, almost everyone would have refrained from being injected and realized that the whole "experiment" was based on lies and deception.

In this case, the authorities and the healthcare system acted without legal support, which must be considered criminal.

On May 7, 2024, Pfiezer admitted that one child has died from the injections during testing of the injections. Three children out of 344 children aged 2-4 completed the study. xxviii

It is terrible that our authorities are suspected of falsely, deliberately and premeditatedly deceiving and intimidating the population into submission and falsely, deliberately and premeditatedly coercing the population into being injected with an experimental suspected bioweapon without informed consent.

No one has realized that fully informed consent to the injections has not been given because it was given under false and deceptive pretenses by the authorities from the beginning.


We now know that our government, parliament and authorities are all suspected of deliberately and premeditatedly and deliberately deceiving their own people into being injected with a bioweapon containing more than 65 million meters of modRNA.

We now know that modRNA is very harmful to most people and has caused the death of many.

All this taken together means that

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

That not a single injection of modRNA should be given to a single human being.

In medicine, there is Primum non nocere.

First do no harm


More than 65 million meters of modRNA, more than 1.5 laps around the Earth, our authorities seem to have tricked us into being injected by our suspiciously ignorant and easily frightened lawless government, parliamentary and agency officials!

All these government officials are each personally responsible for not following the law.

Or have our government officials in a suspiciously deliberately and premeditated way deceived us in a suspiciously law-breaking way to forcibly having injected us with more than 65 million meters, more than one and a half laps around the Earth of alien and polluting huge amounts of modRNA and DNA by suspected cell and body-damaging LNP in each injection?

All of these government officials are each personally responsible for not following law.

The unwary citizen has been deciebly forced into a harmful injection by our suspiciously ignorant and easily frightened government officials to which the deceived person has not given fully informed consent.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

According to EU law, the the Swedish Constitution and the law, no one should be subjected to antmedical intervention without giving their fully informed consent.

In this case, no one who has been injected has been able to give their fully informed consent, as the Swedish Medical Products Agency has granted an exemption to the requirement that each injection of a drug must be preceded by an opportunity for the person to read the package leaflet.

These exemptions have been renewed for each product at least twice a year without any consideration from the authorities. xxix

No one has given informed consent to accept the fraudulent and unscientific PCR test, which is why staff are forbidden collecting or storing genetic material from a single person

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

In other words, there are many different mechanisms of damage by modRNA with LNP that explain why these injections must be classified as bioweapons.

Read also about the ethics of forcibly injecting students and other younger people xxx

It is inevitable that the truth always comes out.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.


All injured individuals should be generously compensated by the State for their suffering and death.

The prompt and generous compensation by the state is to ensure that the victims can receive their generous compensation as soon as possible and that it does not take many years before the victims are compensated, if ever.

All individuals who have committed these violations of law, individual rights and humanity must be brought to justice in a fair trial before an independent and impartial Court Trial established by law, but this will take a long time, a time that the victims do not have.


Furthermore, all individuals who have committed these crimes against law and humanity must be brought to justice and ordered to pay substantial damages to the State. The culprits are also suspected to be found within the NGO called WHO owed by a majority of stakeholders, not governments. Those stakeholders support about 80 % of the bugfet of WHO. and its individual officials and the WHO's private (read NGO and individuals) individual owners as well as the pharmaceutical companies and their individual owners and directors who have been responsible for the manufacture and sale of all these genetic and suspected bioweapons such as modRNA with LNP.

All this requires that we have a fair and legally secure legal system with court personnel that we ourselves have ensured always takes into account the approximately 700-year-old Swedish Judge's Oath (RB 4 chapter 11 §).

Please also read the following article in Exposé xxxi (COVID Was A Lie, An Illusion Created by Government to Take Complete Control' & 'The Penny Is Dropping Everywhere!) , it gives us all something to think about as long as we have something to think with and to admit to ourselves that we too have to think about the future and come to rest.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

Compare with the the Nuremberg trials after the Second World War.


Östervåla, Sweden, on June 4th, 2024
Björn Hammarskjöld, MD, Ph.D.
Independent scientist
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at Strömstad Academy
Former consultant in Pediatrics
Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Stockholm University (1971)
Molecular biologist


The bullshit asymmetry principle (also known as Brandolini's law) quoted in a paper is on point:

"The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."


Fact boxes


Difference between mRNA and modRNA

mRNA (short for messenger RNA).

modRNA is the modified RNA found in the so-called 'mRNA vaccines'

mRNA contains the four nucleoside bases adenine, cytosine, guanine and uridine, abbreviated as A, C, G and U.

mRNA, the RNA molecule that is transcribed (rewritten) from the DNA of the cell nucleus into mRNA, is very easy to degrade and has a very short lifespan, less than 20 minutes to degrade regular mRNA. Excess of the desired protein is not made, it can be harmful to the cell and the body.

The mRNA is then transported to the ribosomes located outside the cell nucleus in the cytoplasm.

The mRNA is then the template for the ribosomes to translate the mRNA into proteins.

Newly made mRNA is constantly present inside the cells and is rapidly degraded. The body can then control the production of protein; if there is too little of a protein, the body makes more mRNA, which is broken down quickly to limit the production of proteins.

modRNA is modified mRNA where U has been replaced by pseudouridine (ѰU) in modRNA, .

Pseudouridine is physically a slightly larger variant of uridine, which is why ѰU can be misread, sometimes read as C instead of U, which can give the wrong amino acid to be coupled with other amino acids in the newly formed protein.

The protein molecule may then have the wrong shape and function. And these incorrect protein molecules with the wrong shape and function can damage the cell.

Pseudouridine can also slip in the reading of the ribosome, which can accidentally skip ѰU with misreading (wrong reading frame) of subsequent amino acids and new proteins are formed with completely different properties as a result.

Most of the time, these are just proteins foreign to the body, all of which trigger the immune system and give rise to more different antibodies, which can then give rise to inflammation due to Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) xxxii when re-injected with modRNA.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

modRNA is much more difficult to degrade then too much of the newly made proteins are made, including the spike protein, which is itself is cell-damaging, or too much of many other faulty proteins are made. All these misreads have to be taken care of by the immune system.

All modRNA injections with LNP must be stopped and banned now.

Equation (1) is simple:

(meters of DNA in a cell nucleus) divided by (the weight in grams of those meters of DNA) equals (the number of meters of contaminating DNA) divided by (the weight in grams of contaminating DNA) .

Or in formula

(A m DNA) / (B g DNA) = (X m DNA) / (C g DNA)

After the usual transformation of the equation


The PCR tests and legality
In November 2020, two declaratory judgments were issued by Portugal, ruling that the PCR tests were unscientific and violated the absolute right to free movement and liberty under EU law and therefore could not be used as a basis for detention.

In November 2020, two declaratory judgments were issued in Portugal, ruling that the PCR tests were unscientific. As these judgments are part of EU law, they apply throughout the EU, including Sweden.

The Administrative Court in Stockholm has also ruled that it was illegal to impose restraining orders on nursing homes. It violated the absolute right to free movement and freedom under EU law.

In the judgments from Portugal, it turns out that at least 97% of the allegedly positive tests were false positives. This is because the test sequences are classified and are used in a suspiciously false and wrongful deliberate and premeditated fraudulent manner.


  1. iFor the difference between mRNA and modRNA, see FactBox 1,

ivLouise Voller, Kristian Villesen. Mysterious change to the WHO definition of a pandemic 15. november 2009 In Swedish

vDr. David Martin – Presentation in Brussels on May 3, 2023 – History of Coronavirus – 1956-2023

viThe PDF file can be downloaded here (FHM has since removed this information from its website)


xLäkemedelsverkets communication

xiLäkemedelslagen (2015:315) 2 kapitlet 1 §,8 kapitlet 3 § 2.

xiiiKevin McKernan, Yvonne Helbert, Liam T. Kane, Stephen McLaughlin
Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose

xivJun Ueda 1,*, Hideyuki Motohashi 2, Yuriko Hirai et al Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures
doi: 10.20944/preprints202403.0881.v1

xviiLäkemedelslagen (2015:315) 2 kapitlet 1 §,8 kapitlet 3 § 2.

xviiiLäkemedelslagen (2015:315) 2 kapitlet 1 §,8 kapitlet 3 § 2.

xxProfessor Luc Montaigner personal communication 1969

xxiAllison Piovesan,et al On the length, weight and GC content of the human genome BMC Res Notes. 2019; 12: 106. Published online 2019 Feb 27. doi: 10.1186/s13104-019-4137-z
( )

xxiiKevin McKernan, Yvonne Helbert, Liam T. Kane, Stephen McLaughlin
Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose

xxiiiThe circumference of the Earth is 40 075,02 km (equator) Wkipedia

  1. xxivCayman chemical safety sheet
    · Product identifier
    · Trade name: LipidLaunch™ LNP ALC-0315 (GFP) ·
    · Article number: 40105
    · Application of the substance / the mixture
    This product is for research use -
    Not for human or veterinary diagnostic or therapeutic use.

xxvMarkus Aldén  1 Francisko Olofsson Falla  1 Daowei Yang  1 Mohammad Barghouth  1 Cheng Luan  1 Magnus Rasmussen  2 Yang De Marinis  1
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 modRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
DOI: 10.3390/cimb44030073

xxixLäkemedelsverkets communication

xxxCOVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk-Benefit Assessment and Five Ethical Arguments against Mandates at Universities

xxxiiEmi E Nakayama  1 Tatsuo Shioda  1 SARS-CoV-2 Related Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Phenomena In Vitro and In Vivo DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11041015