I second Jens or Take Control of the Law
And the best thing to do is to stand up for yourself and fellow humans. The way to enslave you and me is to scare us into submission and enslavement
He said: "It was easy. It has nothing to do with Nazism, it has to do with human nature. You can do it in a Nazi regime, a socialist regime, a communist regime, in a monarchy and even in a democracy. All you have to do to enslave people is to scare them. If you can find out a way to scare people, you can force them to do whatever you want."
I have no fear and have humor which technocrats can't stand.
So just rise up and stand firm and we will get rid of the technocrats
Just check the picture below.
We're in the third season of the Covid-19 Influenza Like Infection (ILI) season.
The first season was from September 1, 2019 until August 31 2020.
There were very few RT-PCR tests (red curve). The daily death curve (black line) was just a max daily value of 99 persons per day with the diagnosis Covid-19.
Altogether 5 880 persons died during Season 1. The survival rate was 99.94 per cent
The number of daily ICU admissions was a max at 42 cases per day
During the second season the RT-PCR tests were almost freely availably and the number of tests increased rapidly (right axle)
The RT-PCR tests preceeded the deaths numbers by about one week. The mortality peaked at December 28, 2020 while the RT-PCR tests peaked a week earkier.
Then the RT-PCR tests and the death numbers fell at the same rate as the peak in season 1.
On February 7, 2021 an aberrant change on the RT-PCR positive tests suddenly increased despite the number of daily deaths decreased at the same rate as the previous peak in spring 2020. season 1.
Funny, why was rhe RT-PCR tests suddenly deviating from the death and ICU curves?
What had happened in February?
The Covid labs changed test procedures from a single infection test to a brand new Multitest protocol where they could test up to one hundred diffeent viruses at the same time. They also increased the Ct-value fron 35-40 cycles of the RT-PCR tests to between 45 to 50 cycles.
Also, there was a funny period of lingering daily deaths at about 20 deaths per day between March and May that was not present in season 1
From end of May 2021 the number of daily deaths were below 8 deaths per day during summer, fall and up to at least January 4, 2022
Despite changeing the number of daily tests during October to end of November the percentage of positive RT-PCR test stayed the samebetween 5 and 6 % indicating that there was no spread of theinfection despite the huge numbers of positive RT_PCR tests that is just a reflection of the number of total numbers of tests. The nummber of tests varied over time and increased by 900 percent between week 44 to week 51 But the death toll stayed below 8 deaths per day. Still no connection between the positive RT-PCR tests and death and ICU cales stayin at very low numbers..
This must mean that the RT-PCR test is completely unreliable and does not covariete with deaths and ICU adnissions like the first peak season 2 see https://kostkunskap.blogg.se/2021/december/hur-man-ljuger-med-statistik.html
This may also mean that the the present strain of SARS-CoV-2 is almost harmless, does not give rise to severe infection or death.
In both cases the pandemic is over.
All restrictions must be lifted and as most of the infected are double injected, the injections do not give any immunity as the Pfizer trial on kids between 18 months and 5 yearo age showed why those kid should have a third dose before final evaluation.
The injection must be stopped due to declared toxic substanses and due to undeclared magnetic substances which makes the injection to be classified as forged and false injections
All restrictions including mandatory injections, travel bans and all social restrictions are against the UN and EU conventions of Human Rights are to be disobeyed and lifted immediately
Time for Nuremberg II trials in all countries..
You and I can do it.
Go to the district attorney and ask the DA to investigate if there has been a crime committed by the authorities by using a falsified injection and infringement of our UN and EU Human Rights declarations as well as the Constitution
Björn Hammarskjöld
Assistant Professor in Pediatrics at Strömstad Academy