Always check Bombshell facts

There are some information out on the Internet claiming that SARS-CoV-2 search probe has the same nucleotide sequence as human DNA on chomosome number 8.


I’ve checked the so called Bombshell.


They have found that one of the RT-PCR probe according to WHO has the following DNA sequence: ”CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT”.

So I did as they asked and followed the link ”$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363


Then I added the search string ”CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT”and got the result.

The following term was not found in Nucleotide: CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT.

  • No items found.

So I truncated the nucleotide string one by one and each time with the same result.

  • No items found


When reaching the string with just 10 nucleotides ”CTCCCTTTGT” the answer was:


Items: 2


Those two sequence answers were

"Chinchilla lanigera unplaced genomic scaffold scaffold00195, whole genome shotgun sequence

732,375 bp linear DNA”


Chinchilla lanigera isolate Chin_1 contig076517, whole genome shotgun sequence

98,381 bp linear DNA”

By testing the proposed link the proposed answer did not show up. Instead, by truncating the search string one letter each time, finally at the string length of 10 characters two results popped up, both were not related to the human chomosome 8 but were a part of Chinchilla lanigera.

By checking the string against ”All databases” there were 8 hits in the headline of

”Pubmed Central      8”.

When looking at those articles they were describing the SARS-CoV-2 genome and published in April, June, July and August 2020. No sign of human DNA.


Conclusion: You have to verify information found on Internet by reaching for the source and test it. In this case the info on the Internet about a ”Bombshell” could not be verified.

It seems that the RT-PCR probe ”CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is not a part of the human DNA.


Also, in countries where the daily death rate is close to zero, like in Sweden with a mean daily death rate of only 3 persons per day since the last month, can be safely opened again. Just look at the number of new cases during the last fortnight, just 3 709. That is 1 person having Covid-19 in 2 785 persons despite schools have begun. So there is no need to uphold the physical distancing any longer in Sweden. Open up sports events and other cultural activities NOW. There is no science behind present restrictions.


Just 99.94 percent of the swedish population has survived Covid-19. Our most age rich persons, those over 90, 98.5 % have survived the Covid-19, those in the 80ies survived even better at 99.5 %


Since 1972 there are 20 different years that has had higher total monthly mortality compared to the total mortality 2020. So the mortality in Sweden is like always, around 88 000 to 95 000 deaths annually. Present prognosis is around 94 000 for 2020


Sweden could have done even better by giving vitamin D3 to the population so all of us reached the physiological level of vitamin D3 in plasma of at least 125 nmol/L or 50 ng/mL. This level is easily reached by giving the recommended 400 IU/10 micrograms of vitamin D3 to a newborn person of 2.8 kg. A 70 kg person weighs 25 times more and should thus have 10 000 IU/250 micrograms of vitamin D3 per day to prevent most viral infections including Covid-19.


Then we don't need an expensive vaccin that gives only slightly more than 50 % protection rate.


Björn Hammarskjöld
Assistant professor in pediatrik at Strömstad Akademi
Former Chief in Pediatics
Ph.D. in Biochemistry
Molecular biologist