Butter and margarine consumption in Sweden

Since 1984 the Swedish population were obeying the Swedish National Food Agency, Livsmedelsverket, having a high carb, low fat diet. The sum of full fat margarines and butter started to decline from 19.4 kg/person and year down to 6.9 kg/person and year in 2007. Now it’s up to 8 kg/person and year.
From 1964 butter went down from 10 kg/person and year down to a low 3,5 in 1979, then the butter decreased slowly until all time low 1.5 kg in 2004. Then in 2005 Annika Dahlqvist ate lots of butter in the swedish television and butter has since doubled to 3 kg/person and year. Margarines have decreased from 15.4 kg in 1984 down to 5 kg in 2007 and then steady including 2011. Please note that in the margarine is included a mixture of 75 % butter and 25 % canola oil, not to be called butter. 
Smör = Butter
Bregott/marg = margarines including butter/canola oil
Summa = Sum Butter and margarines.